

Tiny Tech Learning Lab has a tri-focused curriculum with the creative curriculum as it's base. The creative curriculum is fused with S.T.E.M, eco-health, and fitness. This is a custom curriculum developed by Tiny Tech Learning Lab's Administrator and Program Manager.




Tiny Tech will use the Creative Curriculum for preschool, which is aligned with Pennsylvania learning standards for early education. The curriculum is designed to help educators implement a developmentally appropriate, content rich program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels.

The Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of interest: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language.


The cognitive stage is associated with thinking skills. Children learn how to solve problems, ask questions and think critically.


The language stage deals with communication. Children learn how to communicate with others, listen and participate in conversations, and recognize various forms of print. In this stage, children begin to recognize letters and words and begin writing for a purpose.


The social/emotional stage helps promote independence, self-confidence and self-control. Within this stage, children learn how to make friends, how to have group interactions and how to follow rules.


The physical stage is intended to increase children’s large and small motor skills.




We teach many disciplines at Tiny Tech Learning Lab. One being environmental education which is great for incorporating science, technology, engineering, art, and math. It is designed to teach young children about their environment and how they can make a difference.

Teaching children to care for the environment is an important parental responsibility that is crucial for their future. Many solutions to our environmental problems are very simple. There are many ways to care for the environment - from reusing common household items to putting paper and plastic in the recycle box. At Tiny Tech Learning Lab we encourage children to do one small thing, and then add another and another. Before you know it, those little steps add up to a lot more green.

We have adopted eco-friendly practices in order to reduce environmental hazards, such as, avoiding the use of toxins and other pollutants, and increasing the conservation of resources - all with the goal of making the world safer for young children and helping to preserve our environment for future generations.

Your children's health is the reason we incorporate greener practices into our early care program. A number of health and safety issues arise from environmental hazards found in everyday life, and children are even more susceptible to the harmful effects than adults. Everyday cleaning products, foods, and the air we breathe all pose potential environmental risks.

Our focus for a green child center is waste reduction; which is accomplished through recycling and reusing, as well as by choosing products with minimal packaging. Many children enjoy active participation in recycling programs. Not only does this reduce waste, it's a great sorting exercise.

Eco-health education in preschool is particularly important because it is the social responsibility of adults to educate children and young people to become positive agents of change for ecosystem sustainability, social development, and human health.




Tiny Tech Learning Lab offers a wide choice of play-based, physically active learning experiences that link to children’s interests, abilities, identity and prior knowledge. Physical activities are made up of both structured (i.e. intentionally taught) physical activity and unstructured, spontaneous activity. Physical activity is vital for a child’s development and lays the foundation for a healthy and active life.

The benefits of being active for young children include, promoting healthy growth and development, maintaining a healthy weight, building strong bones and muscles, improving posture, improving concentration and thinking, improving confidence and self-esteem and improving sleep patterns.

Tiny Tech Learning Lab also provides freshly prepared meals daily. Encouraging children to eat a nutritious, balanced diet early on is important for a number of reasons. Ensuring they get the right vitamins and minerals in their diet will help them grow and develop optimally. They are also more likely to be energized and motivated, supporting their ability to learn. Educating them on healthy eating during childhood will also help them make healthier choices as they become adults.

Eating healthy foods can also reduce the health problems faced by children. Children served healthy foods regularly may experience fewer cavities. Many chronic health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer, have roots that trace back to an unhealthy childhood diet. When children start life with whole and healthy foods, they may avoid many health issues that can affect them both during childhood and into adulthood.

